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CitizenOutreach Event with upper secondary school students

Oppdatert: 8. mar. 2023

By: Jostein Rø and Ida Elise Sandtorp

When: 19. oktober 2022

We believe parts of the answer lie within providing knowledge as well as being able to practice entrepreneurship - both inside the classroom and out in the real world.

Who attended and why?

19th of October Engage hosted a workshop for pupils in high school. Citizen Outreach was a half-day event focusing on implementing an entrepreneurial mindset and mentoring their ongoing projects.

What did we present?

At the workshop we presented Spark. Spark is a mentoring service by and for students with a business idea. We presented the idea that everyone can be a an entrepreneur to inspire this furter students. In addition to present Spark, we talked shortly about the CHIC project. Introducing them to why and how we are spreding the Spark organisation across Europe.

To start off the show Ingrid Fabrello gave a short presentation. Ingrid herself holds a degree in social anthropology. She talked about it has provided her with a better understanding of cultural differences, social norms, integration, and how humans interact. All of these being important to master in any occupation, but especially when being an entrepreneur.

Ingrid Fabrello presenting about her journey from graduation until now.

The second half of the educational part Jostein and Ida, who both works for Engage and Spark* held a presentation about student entrepreneurship. Spark* being an organization for and driven by students is one of the most successful entrepreneurial implementations at NTNU.

“What is Spark* and how does student entrepreneurship fit” - Ida Elise Sandtorp (left) and Jostein Rø (right) presenting.

Engage project “CHIC” (Creating Holistic Innovation Capacity) has already successfully spread student innovation through several universities across Europe. Gdansk, Split, Nord, Chalmers and Lund.

Ida and Jostein presenting many of the successfully companies that origins back to Spark* NTNU.

The workshop

After the educational part, the students was invited to work on their own startup ideas while being mentored by Spark employees. This was organised as a workshop and helped the student get good advices to start building their entrepreneurial mindset.

Why is it important to implement entrepreneurial mindsets from a young age?

So how can we make it easier for nurses, teachers, actors, and electrical engineers to become entrepreneurs? We believe parts ot the answer lie within providing knowledge as well as being able to practice entrepreneurship - both inside the classroom and out in the real world. To better solve the grater problems, we need hardworking entrepreneurs. By implementing this mindset we hopefully inspire young people to pursue a career as founders of their own startups.


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